Financial SaaS product development

Designing Aryza's financial SaaS products
*Please note that images and/or sensitive information may be blurred out due to confidentiality agreements

Project Context

UX Designer
2 UX Designers (including myself), UI Designers, Project Manager and Client Lead
project status
Spring - Summer 2020

Aryza provides white-label financial software to their clients who help their customers manage their debt. My role at Lucky Beard was to create new products for Aryza based on customer success’ needs in order to acquire new clients. The product creation involved analysing the current solution (if it exists), listening to stakeholders and designing mobile friendly solutions. I worked in conjunction with a UI designer to develop the right brand feel for the base product. After that, I was in charge of the UI rebranding based on the client that Aryza was pitching to.

Customer insights & User research

1 - As-is audit

Aryza has multiple SaaS products that guide their client’s customers towards  better financial health. So, my first step in redesigning one of Aryza’s products was running an online workshop with the product owners and customer success leads to understand the product’s complexities. As can be seen, the products have different layers that affect the UX, copy and results. My job was to make sure that these layers all flowed seamlessly so that no matter where the customers journey took them it was cohesive and comprehensible. In addition, as my time working with Aryza progressed, I had to make the different products fit with each other and make them interchangeable.

Product solutions mapped out in Miro during an online workshop run by me

The design process

1 - Constant iteration

When products were being created from scratch based on current needs. I made a lot of quick iterations of the same calculator. In the initial versions I had a sliding bar to determine the amounts, but later had the idea that a number input would be more accurate with amounts. All the products followed an iterative process because my understanding of the product improved every time I presented it back to the client.

Iterations of the borrowing tool for Aryza’s product made in Figma

Working with Aryza to create custom branding for the clients they were pitching to meant that I had to do the UI rebranding in Figma. This was a very interesting procedure because I had to learn how to create master components that could be easily adapted and maintain a small design system. The following are some examples of the redesigns of the white-label product to fit the brands.


This video shows one of the high fidelity product prototypes I designed for Aryza in Figma. The video was done by another team at Lucky Beard.


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